International Human Rights Public Protection Association

Our Mission

Our Mission
  1. To follow, adopt and promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the Constitution of India, national and international law.
  2. To follow the purpose of State Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, International Human Rights Commission, and to make everyone aware of the fundamental and human rights provided in the constitution, fight for the purpose of securing and securing rights.
  3. To stop the corruption prevalent in government and non-government departments, to get legal action against corrupt and bribery officials, to get them punished.
  4. To benefit the poor from the facilities provided by the government for the treatment of the poor in government hospitals.
  5. To take legal action by government doctors for collecting money from the patients coming to the hospital, not giving government medicine, prescribing medicine from outside or misbehaving with the patient, fighting to end crime, injustice and corruption and the administration of government. To cooperate, to stop female feticide and to make the society aware, to curb the child marriage and oppression of women.